May 2019: Todd Amspoker and Ryan Zick successfully completed a major jury trial in Alameda County Superior Court regarding the value of property taken in eminent domain proceedings. The case concerned property on the shore of the San Francisco Bay, which was taken for establishment of a public trail and shoreline park. After a 3…
Ms. Blabey has joined the Board of Directors for MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation. MOXI’s volunteer board members work directly with the museum’s president and CEO to oversee and support the organization’s commitment to its mission. To read the full article published on Noozhawk*, click the below link. Article *(Permission was granted…
Ms. Blabey was the recipient of the Pacific Coast Business Times 2019 Top 50 Women in Business, Editor’s Choice in Professional Services award. Honorees were celebrated at an awards reception on April 18, 2019 at Deckers Rotunda in Goleta. As one of the Editor’s Choice winners, Ms. Blabey addressed attendees and discussed her passion for…
On October 25, 2018, Ryan Zick was presented with the William J. Lasarow Award for Outstanding Pro Bono Service to the Community. The award ceremony was held at the Roybal Federal Building and US Courthouse with remarks from Chief US Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond, Judges Vincent Zurzolo and Deborah Saltzman, and US District Court Judge…
Article published in the American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review, co-authored by Ryan D. Zick, associate attorney. The attached article is reprinted with permission of the American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review, originally published at 26 Am. Bankr. Inst. L. Rev., 293 (2018). Read article here
Article published in the New Times San Luis Obispo referencing Todd Amspoker, eminent domain lawyer. “Housing Authority of SLO takes investors to court over ownership of affordable housing units for seniors” (To view the article, please click the above link.)
Ryan Zick has joined Price, Postel & Parma LLP as an associate attorney. Mr. Zick’s practice involves general business litigation, real estate law, and insolvency issues. Prior to joining PPP, Mr. Zick was a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Peter H. Carroll, United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Central District of California. Mr….
After a lengthy and statewide search and interview process, the five-member Board which comprises the Watermaster for the Antelope Valley Groundwater Adjudication has selected Craig Parton of Price, Postel & Parma LLP as its General Counsel. The Watermaster Board chose Mr. Parton out of list of some of the most prominent water law attorneys in…